
The dangerous drug attorneys at the Law Offices of Gregory Krasovsky provide legal support and representation to plaintiffs seeking to pursue a Provigil lawsuit. In order to secure a maximum Provigil settlement, it is crucial to have a competent and experienced Provigil lawyer to guide you through all of the legal hurdles. Contact a Provigil attorney today to schedule a free consultation and take your first step to recovering damages.

Provigil is a drug manufactured by Cephalon; it has been approved by the FDA to treat narcolepsy, sleepiness, and a variety of other sleep disorders, some of which are related to apnea. It is generally though to cause a heightened sense of awareness and helps narcoleptics avoid sleeping spells.

Like many other drugs, Provigil has many adverse side effects. The most dangerous ones are generally thought to be hallucinations, depression, and suicidal tendencies; however, the most pernicious effect is Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS), which is a serious skin condition that damages mucous membranes and skin cells causing separation of skin layers. This disease causes a slew of skin problems including skin peeling, rashes, and sores under mucous membranes. It should be noted that SJS is in fact fatal to some people.

If you or a loved one has contracted Stevens-Johnson Syndrome or has been injured as a result of the mental effects of Provigil, contact our pharmaceutical attorneys today for a free consultation. You may be entitled to compensation, and it is our goal to secure a just recompense.