
The dangerous drug attorneys at the Law Offices of Gregory Krasovsky provide legal support and representation to plaintiffs seeking to pursue a Lioresal lawsuit. In order to secure a maximum Lioresal settlement, it is crucial to have a competent and experienced Lioresal lawyer to guide you through all of the legal hurdles. Contact a Lioresal attorney today to schedule a free consultation and take your first step to recovering damages.

Lioresal, originally known as Baclofen, is a drug used to treat spasticity and is also being currently researched as a potential treatment for alcoholism. It was originally developed in the 1960s to treat epilepsy, but was found to have minimal effect in that regard. Lioresal is also used as a muscle relaxant.

While Lioresal has many beneficial uses, it has some serious side effects as well, which should be considered by anyone considering taking this drug. The most serious side effects of Lioresal involve a variety of different kinds of neurological dysfunction. Lioresal has the potential to impair crucial activities such as muscle tone and balance.

Additionally, the drug has been known to exacerbate spasticity as well. In 2002, the FDA issued warnings about the drug because it caused spasticity in the spinal and cerebral realm. Furthermore, the drug has some addictive qualities and discontinuation can cause serious problems, including death.

In people fighting alcoholism, the drug can cause sleepiness and lack of coordination or attention in crucial situations. In effect, it worsens some of the effects of alcohol withdrawal.

If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of Lioresal, contact our attorneys today. You may be entitled to compensation and it is our belief that all injured parties are entitled to just recompense.